Support Body Positivity
Support Body Freedom
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Support Body Positivity
Support Body Freedom
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Set a good example! Until the public sees for themselves that nude recreation is wholesome, there will be misconceptions for a long time. Present yourself as an exemplary naturist citizen, by fully abiding by all the standards of naturist behavior, etiquette and courtesy, and further by not violating any laws, rules, or regulations in force at a particular location.
CFI approved places provide a safe, healthy, wholesome atmosphere for the whole family that allows everyone, including children, to have a better body image, learn respect and have more self esteem. If you see something happening, which shouldn’t, please feel free to take it upon yourself to speak to the offender. Promote positive naturist values. We are all in this together.
Set a good example! Then the public sees for themselves that nude recreation is wholesome.
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